Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Site and Foundations

The build is continuing to progress and the house is starting to take shape. If any of you have been by the site lately you have seen this. The corrugated pipes that are coming through the ground are part of the large drainage system that is in place under site. There are 12 large pipes that are under the future parking lot that will collect and retain water from our site.

The pipes can be seen on the back left side of the site in the above photo. As you can see from the photo the form work for the foundation walls can also be seen! Since this photo has been taken the walls have poured and the form work removed. Plumbing is next to go in and the trenches are being dug today. Once the plumbing is in the floor slabs will be poured and once cured the main floor joists can begin to be constructed.

Andrew Kessler