Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Putting A House Up Here!

The library location at the front of the house.

Looking at the living side of the house from the stairway.

Looking out the back of the house at the back deck location.

The view of the front door location.

View of the back of the house from the alley. Remember there will still be another floor above the current one!

One of the doubles.

This is one of the singles.

At the back of the house looking towards the kitchen and stairway.

This is at the bottom of the future stairwell looking a the back of the house.

Looking towards the patio from the future stair location.

This is the back door to the house, the back stair will be here as well.

I hope everyone is getting excited about the construction process! The house really taking shape and looking awesome. There are some exciting details that we are working on that will make our house even more unique to Gamma Xi! More regular updates will follow so check back every week for how the house is coming along!

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